Monday, June 4, 2012

Your Monday Maintenance Tip: Sunny Day Driving Safety

To see your way clearly

  • You could wear Sun glasses or draw down the window-shade when the  sunlight is too strong to make sure you can see your way clearly.

Prevent Engine Overheating

  • Engine Overheating may cause breakdowns, especially on a hot day.
  • Check the level, condition, and concentration of the coolant periodically.
  • If your car overheats, do not drive any more.Never remove the radiator cap until the engine has thoroughly cooled.

Pay Attention To Tires

  • Check your tires regularly
  • Be sure the tires are properly inflated
  • Don’t drive at a high rate of speed for a long time,particularly in hot weather
  • Do not overload your car


Courtesy of

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